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Hello, I'm Dror! 👋

I'm a developer, SWE, and maker. I love practical products and solutions over fancy ones. The buzzwords I'm most attracted to are DX, DevOps, Platform. But I don't really buy into the idea of this hype cycle. The idea is the same as the original Agile Manifesto - be lean, release all the time, stay connected to the users, etc.

On a lower, practical level, I'm influenced by the UNIX philosophy, and articles like Grug Brain. Systems today are becoming a lot more complex, but I would argue it's usually not justified by the actual circumstances.

What is in here?

This is my place to document my knowledge and opinions about software development, cloud technology, life philosophy or whatever. Some of my future goals are to also deploy some web application to this website, and other interactive things.

I'm currently working at Velocity as general developer. We're trying to solve the basic problem of the field of Observability. It's a small startup with big ambitions 🚀. We're trying to integrate LLMs into the into your existing setup. This is why you'll see some articles about python.

But mostly, I'm a fanboy of Go. More than the language itself, I love the pragmatism and thoughtfulness that comes into the process of building this language. The ecosystem is simple and powerful (albeit missing some key features in the code generation front). What I like about it is that it's mostly about the features that don't exist in the language that excite me. My favorite thing is, ultimately, is the liberating feeling of the lack of of choices.